Monday, June 10, 2019

What was the most important cause of European imperial expansion in Essay

What was the most important cause of European imperial expansion in the 19th century- was it economics,culture, or governance pick one and write about - Essay ExampleIt was created at an opportune time for British imperialists. The world was opening up, explorers were gaining ground, and the British crown was claiming more(prenominal) and more land. Not only did this new territory have to be mapped and surveyed and its inhabitants interviewed and learned about, but the new abuts to be imposed would have to help Britain confirm and defend this new territory. An organization that could do all of this would be an organization that would and could become increasingly powerful. While some of the work done by the RGS was in good faith and showed a high level of accuracy and ability, much of it was politically influenced and done at the service of political and business interests that were more refer with profit than geography. Indeed, when a person looks at a map of the globe today an d the borders of countries in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, one often wonders, Why a border there? There is no physical or ethnic reason for it to exist there . . . M either of these borders actually fly in the face of any practical consideration and were created solely for the benefit of others. As such they continue to this day to create conflict and strife around the world. The RGS contributed to the British imperial ethos of the day.By the mid-19th century lots of places in the world, considered for many years as terra incognito were opening up for the first time. Explorers such as Stanley and Livingstone were for the first time fashioning inroads into the interior of Africa. British citizens were present in India and had substantial roles in the various courts there. Britain had significant interests in the Middle East. Britains economy, more than ever before was conjugate to the worlds. Britain relied on its colonies and the new lands being discovered for a great deal o f its wealthand as such it wanted to keep control non only of these

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