Monday, June 10, 2019

Is the mind equivalent to the brain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Is the mind equivalent to the brain - Essay ExampleBiochemical substance processes just like energy production yield chemical compounds responsible for energy generations. Hormones are some of these chemical products of body system processes which they can associate to emotions but enough evidence is needed to show that on that point are variations among the same type of hormones among different individual persons. Insulin in a person can be the same insulin in another. This becomes the problem to explain emotions since this tonus varies with individuals. This is among the reasons why emotions and mind is considered to be some external factor that works in coordination with the body system such as the brain.The argument of this essay is found on a substance dualism betterment integrated with the idea that the substance of the brain and that of the mind although separate in nature works together to arrange body functions such as digestion, circulation, hearing, seeing, and other bodily systems and integrate these with human thinking and feelings of every kind produce sensations, emotions, ideas, and even think beyond the unthinkable.Since we sustain that the mind as a... Theory of the mind basically revolved within the human beings capacity to understand his own behaviors like emotions, beliefs, intents, desires, knowledge, and others, and to feel that other individuals give birth beliefs, desires and intentions that are different from that of own self. This capacity is believed to be the result of evolutionary changes in the human brain (Povinelli and Preuss, 1995). These functions are inherent of the mind and are not physical but are accepted to be manifested in the brain, as a dualist understands (Calef, 2006). Latest neuro-imaging technology has identified the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), worldly poles, and posterior superior temporal sulcus (STS) junction as the particular areas in the brain that are more likely associated with the mind. (Firth and Firth, 2003 and Saxe et. al, 2003). The mind and brain had been exhaustively studied by different sociologists, philosophers, psychologists and every field of science and theology. There are several approaches used in the study of the functions of the brain and mind. The most leafy vegetable are the modular approach (Scholl and Leslie, 1999) and the integrated (Anderson & Lebiere, 1998). The modular considered every mind activity as a separate module in the brain. The integrated approach considered the mechanisms of understanding as an integration of all the modules that work to produce a comprehensive show of emotions, ideas, and understanding. The approach considers that to create a better feeling on a food taste, the sensations of the hand mouth and other mechanism connect to each other. Our idea is anchored within this context.The foundation of dualist ideaIt is hard not to honour Descartes when we are talking about dualism in

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