Monday, June 17, 2019

Benefit Plan Design Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Benefit Plan Design Analysis - Essay ExampleHowever, it has been identified that despite several emulous employee benefit programs, American Airlines Incorporation has certain lacuna in its benefit plan. The issue associated in the benefit plan is that the company does not allow its employees to decease free of cost until and unless they have completed a period of ten years with the American Airline Association. The company also seems to be lacking in providing the other benefit plans in comparison to its competitors much(prenominal) as SouthWest Airways, Delta (AACareers, 2010). There are many cases filed against the companys benefit plan such as Robert T.Miller Appellant V. American Airlines, Inc, American Airlines, Inc., Pilot Retirement Benefit Program Fixed Income Plan (A Plan) American Airlines, Inc Pension Benefits Administration Committee under(a) case number 10-1784 on 1/25/2011 (Third Judicial Circuit, 2011). The other case filed against the company has been George W. BONIN, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. AMERICAN AIRLINES, INC. and the American Airlines, Inc. ... Part Three Literature follow Role of Benefit Plan in an Organization The reliability and the accuracy of the benefit program depend upon the two factors. The first factor relies upon the fact that the benefit program needs to be capable of identifying the needs of the employees during the upliftment of the organizational objectives. The soundness of the benefit program also stems from the fact that the program is capable of effective watchfulness of such kind of programs (Bohlander & Snell, 2009). It can be worthy of mentioning that the biggest issue for the HR managers is to attract as well as retain the excellent talents in the organization. Therefore, it becomes distinguished for the companies to implement numerous strategies along with the techniques so that they can cope up with this kind of human resource related issues. It is identified that the high performance organizations run to surpass in relation to their competitors by implementing numerous human resource related strategies that include openness among the members, opportunity to learn and provide training to the employees. When a company tends to realize the fact that it is the human resources effective management that determines the competitiveness of the firm, the companies develop the above mentioned strategies (Hiltrop, 1999). In a next some decades most of the workforces in the organizations will be women and this tends to have an impact on the corporate employers. There will be two kinds of workforce, one of them will be career-primary and the other might be career and family. If the organization wants to retain their best talents in the organization they are supposed to identify the importance of both kinds of women and and so provide them a flexible working

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