Thursday, June 13, 2019

Peer review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Peer review - Essay ExampleFurthermore, the number of sources referred to is adequate, proof that a good level of research was conducted. The references contain solely the necessary elements which means that the information provided can be easily traced to their sources. The paper is well formatted but not without a fewer lapses. The abstract for example is revolve around while it should have been left aligned. Yet another point of weakness is the lack of a title after the abstract. In any case, the body of the text should always begin on a new page, different from the abstract.As earlier stated, the language used is widely correct but a few minor errors occur. Grammatical errors mainly occur in cases where the sentences are longer than usual. In this sense, the writer can improve by focusing on gap the long sentences into shorter one(a)s.Each student in the course forget have the opportunity to review another students research paper. Review partners will be assigned based on s tudents working on the various genocides. The peer review must be submitted through VSpace to me and bring in one copy for the paper writer on the day of the poster

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