Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Foregoing curative medical treatment due to religious beliefs Research Paper

Foregoing curative medical treatment due to religious beliefs - look into Paper ExampleEthics in the medical field are moral principles that incorporated the application of judgment and values in medical practice. medical examination ethics entail work on theology, philosophy, and sociology. In the US, General Medical Council highly upholds and respects the religious convictions of patients. However, on some occasions, parents fail to consent for bouncy care for children. Due to the medical ethics, the medical doctors or practitioners comply with the parents wishes with the only option available can be through the juridic redress through the court process. It may be quite difficult to the non-believers or those not within the faith to comprehend the depth of these religious beliefs correct to the extent of those in faith risking their lives or the lives of their loved ones (Guinn, 2006). However, Bellamy (2014) elaborates that some religions take the extreme perception of particu lar treatments while others dont. In fact, doctors increasingly meet accommodative to the religious beliefs of their patients. For example, the Jewish and Muslim faithful highly regard male circumcision. Doctors not conversant to such practices can recommend others who are conversant. In addition, some religious practices to the patients are even allowed in most medical institutions. In some circles, religion is not only well established in the medical practices but also common and powerful. Some of the religious practices in the medical field are intertwined with spirituality and healing that emanate from some forces.

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