Friday, July 26, 2019

Preparing Students for Work and Prior Learning Assignment

Preparing Students for Work and Prior Learning - Assignment Example The research analyzes the necessity for schools and universities to change the way of teaching in order to prepare their students for their future careers and supply them with a set of necessary skills. The works indicates two polar views on the educational system: one is negative, the other one is positive. The author claims changes should be done at all levels of education. Schools need to prepare students broadly for work and provide work experience opportunities. They should ensure that their employment engagement interventions offer career advice to the students. The writer also describes the program called The Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR). It refers to evaluating informal learning that has occurred outside formal academic environment. This learning process assists individuals to identify what they already know and what they need to know in order to achieve whatever they desire. In conclusion the author states Universities need to take into account prior lear ning to enable students to enhance their image, and increase students’ placement in programs. PLAR promotes individuals’ self-esteem as it recognizes their previous learning accomplishment. Prior learning also validates appropriate learning and important skills acquired through life or work experience. Applicants for PLAR need to provide evidence by providing appropriate certificates, resume, and references from employers to prove that they have indeed acquired the necessary skills and knowledge. PLAR has proved to be an important initiative in education system.

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